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Passion for life

The health and wellbeing of society are our challenge

Get to know us

30 years providing health and social care services to public administrations and private companies so they can offer their users solutions to improve people’s wellbeing and lives


We implement

a system of health and social care services which are adaptable to any need, whether from the public or private sector, so every person in any circumstances can improve their health and wellbeing


We create

made to measure projects designed by teams of professionals who focus on the physical, emotional and social health of each user

Model of attention

We offer

Health and social care services with direct care with measurable and relevant results through an exclusive care model in the health sector

Activity areas
+ 30
years of experience
+ 900
users contacted each month
+ 200.000
emergencies attended and resolved each month
+ 75.000
Casos gestionados con personas victimas de violencia

How we do it

We create unique solutions with our own methodology and model. The value which sets us apart is our focus on the real needs of each client and user with whom we work.

Success stories

Our positive footprint

Pharmaceutical Company
Pharmaceutical Company

Implementation of a programme for treatment adherence of people diagnosed with NCDs and their families. Over 90% of patients maintained or improved their psychosocial risk classification.

Madrid City Council
Madrid City Council

Telecare has evolved from being limited to immediate reactive care to a predictive, preventive and comprehensive model of care.

More success stories

45+ Talent

At Atenzia, we support senior talent and encourage their recruitment and professional development. We promote a “pro-ageing” culture whereby multidisciplinary, multigenerational teams foster coexistence between generations, talent recognition and feedback on experiences.

We are committed to having 45% of our office over the age of 45.

Blog Atenzia

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Qué aportan las estrategias para permanencia en domicilio de las personas mayores Leer
Envejecimiento y bienestar mental: la revolución de la estimulación cognitiva
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La alimentación, un concepto clave en los programas de atención a enfermos crónicos
La alimentación, un concepto clave en los programas de atención a enfermos crónicos Leer
Salud mental: vulnerabilidades y soluciones necesarias
Salud mental: vulnerabilidades y soluciones necesarias Leer
Convenio de Estambul: violencia de género y su abordaje en Europa
Convenio de Estambul: violencia de género y su abordaje en Europa Leer
5 estrategias para mejorar la adherencia a los medicamentos
5 estrategias para mejorar la adherencia a los medicamentos Leer
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